3 Reasons Why Half of Britons Skip Breakfast: Can Resealable Packaging Help?

People can’t find time for breakfast due to hectic morning schedules – a 150% increase from 2012.


According to Daily Express, half of all adults in Britain skip their breakfast. This is the biggest age group of breakfast skippers are 16-24 years old (66%). Similarly, 58% of those aged 25-34 also choose to miss their breakfast.

Is breakfast important?


Although many skip their breakfast, Web MD confirm it is the most important meal of the day. Evidently, the study shows there are many health related benefits associated with daily breakfast intake. Healthy balanced breakfast consumption can supply body with needed vitamins and minerals, thus boosting metabolism and natural energy levels throughout the day. Also, breakfast rich in protein, minerals, and vitamins is efficient in helping with mental focus at work and stimulates mood.



What are the main reasons to skip breakfast?


‘Naturade’ have identified 3 main reasons:

Temptation for longer sleep. Yes, people like to sleep and find it hard to wake up earlier to have breakfast. However, having a prepared breakfast from the evening before can substantially decrease time spent on meal preparation in the morning.

Lack of appetite. Research from Web MD correlates with the issue of simply not wanting food in the morning. Though, having smaller portions split into hourly slots can help with breakfast intake, even though this may require a lot of personal discipline and dedication.

Infamous morning workout. Knowing which foods digest quickly can help with this and will not make you feel crampy during your workout. Hence, some of these foods are yoghurt, nuts, crackers and bananas.



Restoring daily breakfast ritual with resealable packaging


Resealable packaging is designed to be opened and closed multiple times. This is to maintain product freshness and to help with controlling portions.
For early-fitness birds, many easy to digest breakfast foods come in resealable packaging. For instance nuts, crackers and fruit salads, making sure food can be consumed conveniently before the workout.

Also, other popular brands use resealable technology. People with a lack of appetite in the morning can still benefit from breakfast foods such as sliced turkey, cheese, and bread. This can be done by eating them in portions at home or at work. Which, will result in not worrying about food spoilage or food waste if breakfast is not consumed.

Lastly, all of us like to indulge ourselves with more sleep, and why shouldn’t we? So, why not start your breakfast at home and if you are running short on time, finish it at work. Resealable packaging can definitely help with that.

To find out more visit: Reseal-it®



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