by Marketing | Jul 11, 2016 | Reseal-it, Resealable Labels
Packaging plays an important role in the food industry. Not only does it protect products from spillage and damage throughout the supply chain, but it can also affect the way customers perceive your products. With so many similar products available on the market,...
by Marketing | Jun 20, 2016 | Reseal-it, Resealable Labels
Product freshness alongside its quality are important factors that may influence customers’ buying decisions. According to a recent report by Mintel Group Ltd, 57% of US shoppers evaluate product freshness by its appearance, whereas 72% rely on on-pack information...
by Marketing | Feb 22, 2016 | Resealable Labels
The amount of food we buy and consume depends on the size of the household we live in. But attractive discounts on larger quantities and “family-sized” packs often encourage us to pick the most economical options. A report from WRAP* reveals that people who live on...
by Marketing | Nov 3, 2015 | Reseal-it, Resealable Labels
ompanies spend millions of pounds on building brand awareness to attract customers and influence their purchase decisions. With so many similar items available on the market, consumers often choose familiar brands over those new and less recognisable. The times when...
by Marketing | Oct 21, 2015 | Food Waste Awareness, Reducing Packaging Waste, Reseal-it, Resealable Labels
As a nation, we love our food; an endless succession of best-selling books, popular magazines and prime-time TV programmes testify to the fact. Estimates by WRAP, the Government’s waste advisory body, tell us that around 7 million tonnes of food from UK households is...