by Marketing | Feb 3, 2021 | Reseal-it, Resealable Labels
The coronavirus pandemic has had an enormous impact on our lives – we have experienced challenges and limitations most of us have never faced before. Some of us have adapted well to “the new normal”, but many still feel uneasy and are concerned about the health...
by Marketing | Sep 29, 2016 | Reseal-it, Resealable Labels
Busy lifestyles have great impact on the way we eat, with portable snacks offering a convenient option when travelling or needing quick food. Foods that can be easily accessed “on-the-go” are in high demand particularly amongst young people, and can influence their...
by Marketing | Jul 11, 2016 | Reseal-it, Resealable Labels
Packaging plays an important role in the food industry. Not only does it protect products from spillage and damage throughout the supply chain, but it can also affect the way customers perceive your products. With so many similar products available on the market,...
by Marketing | May 13, 2016 | Reseal-it, Resealable Labels
Have you ever fallen victim to tricky packaging? Four in ten people in the UK have claimed to injure themselves while trying to open packaging on everyday goods, including food and drink. Among the items commonly used to open packaging are scissors and knives, and...
by Marketing | Feb 22, 2016 | Resealable Labels
The amount of food we buy and consume depends on the size of the household we live in. But attractive discounts on larger quantities and “family-sized” packs often encourage us to pick the most economical options. A report from WRAP* reveals that people who live on...